Saturday, February 9, 2008

Link Popularity Part 2

Link Popularity Part 2
You're probably wondering what the blazes is popular abouta link! Well, in a word - plenty! Link popularity refers tothe ranking assigned to your website by the search engines,and it determines the ranking your page gets when keywordsare entered into a search engine. So, you're probablywondering, how do I make my link popular?
Search engines are discretionary, giving status and rankingto sites that have links to their pages from related,quality sites. It's a simple formula, but a very importantone. Google created the system, and now virtually all themost popular search engines employ it to rank your webpages in their indexes.
The more commonly used your keyword is, the harder it willbe to achieve link popularity, but without achieving thisstep, it is almost certain your site will never rank highlyon any search engine. But don't be discouraged; there aretried and true ways of achieving link popularity using themost competitive keywords.
There are a few things you should be aware of. The first isthat just linking up with a large number of other websiteswill not achieve link popularity. In fact, it may havequite the opposite effect. This is particularly true whenpertaining to websites that are nothing more than "linkfarms" - pages containing line after line of indiscriminatelinks. Search engines may aggressively discriminate againstyour website if you are associated with a link farm, sosteer clear of them!

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